- Dropping off and collecting: We have reviewed our drop-off and collection procedures and have adapted our systems to ensure that we are encouraging a safe distance. All parents and carers, must wear a face covering at drop off and collection. Please adhere to the signage and information provided to you by us.
- Social distancing: Staff will be reminded to adhere to social distancing measures to keep themselves and each other safe. Parents will be invited into the nursery with measures in place to drop off and collect their child safely. We will be communicating to parents through our Banana Moon Parent App to inform them about their child's day. We also encourage parents to call or email if they have any concerns or queries they would like to raise.
- Clean and organised spaces: All environments will be cleaned throughout the day, and resources have been organised to allow for them to be cleaned easily. Touch-point cleaning is in place to ensure sanitised areas to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
- Regular handwashing: We are actively encouraging all our staff members and the children they are caring for to wash their hands frequently throughout the day. Hand sanitiser is also available.
- Outdoor play: As always – it’s just part of our ‘normal nursery day’. We love fresh air, come rain or shine!
We have adapted our routine to encourage outdoor play and extra handwashing and discourage gatherings around activities etc. As always, the children are here to play, develop friendships, laugh and chit-chat with their peers…and secretly do some learning!
If your child is showing any of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms as per the latest guidance, please DO NOT bring them into nursery. Seek advice from 111 online or call 111 and get your child tested.
https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/symptoms/If you (the parent) are showing any of the symptoms, or another person in the household is, please refer to the following guidance and self-isolate accordingly:
Becoming unwell while at nursery
If a member of staff or a child becomes unwell or shows one of the signs of Coronavirus while at nursery, they will be isolated immediately and will be cared for by a member of the staff team wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Please do not be alarmed if you collect and observe the measures we have had to take. This is a mandatory requirement by the government, and this will be protocol in these circumstances.
We strongly ask that if parents receive a call, they promptly collect their child and seek medical assistance. The same process will be applied for a member of staff who will leave the nursery premises as soon as their personal belongings have been gathered together by the supporting team member.
Please ensure your contact details for parents, carers and emergency contacts are up to date following possible employment changes, etc.
Still unsure?
If you have any questions or concerns about starting or returning to nursery, please contact us, where we will be happy to assist.
@BananaMoon - 3 years ago